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The Rider Cup raises an incredible £7000 for Gaddesden Place RDA

Abbey Roofing is extremely proud to have contributed to the success of a fundraising event held by Gaddesden Place Riding for the Disabled which raised an incredible £7000! On Friday 3rd October, 72 golfers enjoyed a glorious day of golf for The Rider Cup, soaking up the sunshine and charitable atmosphere.

Attendees participated in a raffle, charity hole and auction with the hope of raising as much money as possible for Gaddesden Place Riding for the Disabled. Karen Gosen, a trustee of Gaddesden Place RDA Centre, was “overwhelmed with their generosity” and has described the day as a “huge success”.

Gaddesden Place is a specialist RDA centre which gives children and adults with special needs and disabilities the opportunity to increase their awareness and learn a new skill by riding one of the centre’s beautiful ponies. The unique relationship and movement of the horse will develop a rider’s ability, as well as:

  • Improve muscle tone & core strength
  • Aid balance & coordination
  • Increase self confidence
  • Widen boundaries of experience and social contact

As a local organisation, here at Abbey Roofing we were keen to help in whatever way possible to ensure the Gaddesden Place RDA Centre continues to forge onwards. As a charity that does not receive regular outside funding, the centre’s survival is very dependent on dedicated volunteers and fundraising and relies heavily on events such as The Rider Cup to remain open.

The money raised from The Rider Cup will make a substantial difference to their stables and is the equivalent of maintaining a pony for a year (including feeding, shoeing, vet bills etc. ) or subsidising 23 riders for a whole year.

Karen Gosen wrote to us personally to say: “Gaddesden Place Riding for the Disabled would like to thank you for supporting The Rider Cup event by sponsoring so many of the holes on the course and helping to make the day such a great success. We couldn’t run these events without the generous support of businesses like yourselves so thank you once again for helping us to achieve such an amazing result.”

We were pleased to be part of such a successful event which has contributed to the longevity of an incredible cause. The centre is a fantastic way of giving those who may be lacking in self-confidence the opportunity to learn a new skill and meet others. It truly is a worthwhile cause, so congratulations to all those involved in the event!

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